
Showing posts from August, 2007

~ Rope ~

Just a rope but what for? To connect or To bind Rope to connect made of faith and love Rope to bind made of fear and selfishness Strengthening or weakening depends on the weaving of the content To connect is to liberate to bind is to perish Its the rope, the mind that plays the game Lets learn the rules to play it well and keep going...


Wild as the wind gentle as the breeze are the descriptions of the mind aren't they from the same source, air? Awake from ignorance to know the essence as one and the same. Wind or breeze good or bad happy or sad remain in the essence move with the expression to be the one

Vibrant void

O! Beloved What a beauty Is your homecoming Slipping and sliding Into the very Being No pompous show but a complete silence Is the sign Of your arrival Vibrant colours Of no shades Fill the void Of empty full Vibrantly void Silently sound full Flowing in stillness Nectar of bliss....

~ Master ~

From nowhere came The hands of the Divine To guide me Into my Own.. Called Him, "Master" The one who teaches To master my ownSelf We walk together yes, He knows the path To say, i know it too is ignorance But yes, He bestowed the awareness of the present To just be From nowhere Its Now and Here In silence we embrace To find the oneness To thank my ownhands so silly, but to be Grateful is all that One can be...

keeping quiet ~ Being quiet

When a child jumps around and makes so much noise all the time in the house, usually, the mother would say, 'keep quiet". The child out of fear will keep quiet. That's , not shouting verbally. But have you noticed the restlessness that still exists in the child, in the form of, bodily movement, fidgeting , uneasiness etc. Even if the verbal communication is arrested, the suppression is expressed in the body language. This is the result of keeping quiet. This can be easily noticed with some children who are called as, "Hyperactive". When they are in a new environment where usually they have to present themselves as normal quiet goody goody kind, one can feel the result of that so called, "keeping quiet". Its like they will be waiting to let go. So much of suppression held within. But, there are some children, who remain calm when required. They don't pose the goody, goody stuff but just they are quiet. In such children, there is a calmness seen and ...

Success ~~ Failure

Key words used in the system of evaluation, that's been existing from time unknown. No humanbeing gets spared from this mode of operation. Starting from a child, competitiveness to assess and evaluate begins. Even in a sport like running race, the child that comes first is the winner and others go down the ladder of ranking. So automatically, competitiveness is instilled which in turn brings in its friend comparison. All this is done in the name of "excelling". No doubt to excel is good, but with what and whom? Similar to many concepts formed to thrive in this outer world, this success and failure is one more trap. "Failure is the stepping stone for success" " You can fail but need not be a failure" - Shiv Khera Inspiring ones to move ahead outside. Lets choose to apply the same to move within. There also one progress report is awaiting, in the path of spirituality. "Spiritual progress". The new born seeker, used to his usual evaluating ...


Is it a feel that overwhelms from the most unexpected quarters? Words fail to give an explanation, its the expression which reveals the experience. The eyes are considered as the most powerful medium of expression. Thats why, when the lovers are locked in eyes, they are lost. The "i" of the individual is lost and replaced with "I". Not just between lovers, but with anyone and anything. Its an intense love that explodes and expands into the very Being. Expressions can be many, but the essence is just one and the same. A fragrant flower can only emanate the fragrance. Its Divine creation. So is every humanbeing. Unfortunately, the natural fragrant new born gets impregnated with the artificial fragrances of this world and appear to have lost the natural one. Be assured, nothing has the power to eliminate the natural one. It can only hide. The Divine grace, cleanses the mind to let the fragrance of love flow from deep within. One must experience the beauty of loving and...

Will or Wheel

Divine will or destiny's wheel the subject is always you choose the wheel to spin between happy and sad choose the divine will to go with the flow Freewill is the wings of Being to fly high deep within Will or Wheel call it as you wish makes no difference to the freedom bestowed thro the freewill


Wonderful meeting in the depths of Being Unspoken words in the language of Silence On a platform of no agenda Held in the vast expanse of private chambers merging in Stillness none to note the minutes of the meeting

Life is...

The most happening in one's life. How is life? Oh, great!, not too good, just going on - are some of the answers of the affected parties. The reason i say "affected parties" is because the life, that's the circumstances or situations have had an influence on the mind. The mind in turn with its imbibed concepts reflects and gives a reply accordingly. So yet again caught up in the game of mind. But, when one learns to go beyond the mind , the reality opens up. The influences of the mind dissolves in the very Being and all that one could reply to, How is life? is, Life is...

Rise and Shine

Surrender to the darkness of the night Rise in abundant faith to the sunshine of the day


Relationship is like a person walking on the road. He is not independant of the road yet he is not the road. The road may have pits attimes but its purely dependant on how he relates to the pit. One can relate only if one is aware of the pits like the swinging of moods, basic nature, perception of the individual etc...are some of the pits to be aware of in a human relationship. Probably, they didnt name it as relateroad because comparatively its much easier to visualize the pits on the road than on the sea. May be thats why its called relationship. Once you are aware, next comes relating. This is the most challenging and an interesting one too. The intention which is simple, direct and good need not always result in good too, if one fails in this step of relating. For an example, lets say one approaches a calf to caress. The calf so willingly enjoys the strokes on its head. Now imagine the same person, approaching with the same intention to a snake. It would immediately go on a defensi...


Disciplined babes of nature in the hands of humanbeing ...


What can wonders of wisdom do? Sharp connectivity to the source, uninterrupted flow of channeling, manifestation of Divine expression... Some of these expressions are art, dance, music,poem,essay,etc.. Many times, when we witness these expressions from different forms, one of the most used word is WOW!! Not necessarily the expressions have to be reflected in some activity, but sometimes even just the presence of That Being brings forth ...Wow!!! Such are our Saints and Masters, rooted forever in the Source. But lets not miss, in our daily lives, many many momentary Wows too. The laughter of a baby, the blossoming of a flower, the song of a bird, the sunshine on the green leaves, the dew drops.....endless list... Of course , to receive these Divine expressions from the natural channels, one must learn the art of connecting to the Self. So its necessary to seek the wisdom to be a WOW or to say a WOW too....

Happy DEATH day!!!

Don't worry, its not a spelling mistake. Just an expression beyond the mind. We are attuned to certain language of the mind from our young age. The word, Death, is usually associated with the darker side of life,mostly referred to the casting off of this body. When one is alive, hardly one focuses on the Death of Ignorance. Instead, almost lives throughout gripped in the fear of death. Fear is the Block on Life Challenge is the Navigator Faith is the lifeguard Grace is beyond ALL Sail thro ' the Ocean of Life To know " who am I" To dissolve in the Stillness, the Death of ignorance and to experience the Light of Divine, we do need this body and we do need a life. But to go Beyond as we continue to live, here is Happy DEATH Day!!!


An interesting insight into the hidden depths of this wonder word. Independent -- lets open up this box. The two coins that emerge are 1. Intra Dependant - within 2. Inter Dependant - outside When we look at the word on the surface level, independent , how misleading it is, as though it indicates "Not dependant at all". This is the language of the mind. The inner meaning of this wonder word is the freedom to travel between the Intra to Inter and vice versa . A truly independent person is one who can keep travelling between the two worlds --the inner and the outer. This reminds me of the meaning of Peace and Silence. Generally, it is said, "I am at Peace" -- indicating the outside world. Whereas , it is said, " I am in Silence"-- the inner world. To wrap it up in the Golden words of Wisdom by The Living Master, Swami. Akshara , " The Freedom to move from Sound to Silence and from Silence to Sound is ENLIGHTENMENT"

On The Road To NowHere

Happen to view a picture titled, "On the Road to Nowhere". Yes, we can read it as NowHere too... The teachings of our great Masters, Now and Here.. A traveller on a journey reaches a destination. It has a name too. Most of the time the traveller is so keen to reach the destination that he loses on the beauty of the travel by itself. Of course , he reaches the destination (mostly) by ordeal or comfort. In the spiritual journey, an inner journey, the beginning and the end is one and the same. No mind can name the destination. Using the form, one learns to reach the nameless moment which is Now and Here... True, its from this nowhere that one learns to be just Here and Now..


watching a bird fly in the sky.... Loner in the sky For the eyes of a loner Alone is the Truth For the one who has merged "Who am I" no longer arises For That which remains is I am ...
H e r e W e G o Wish of The Divine You see me here Whispers between us Expanded to a Blog Sharing and caring Is Human nature Realization is The nature of Being Welcome to the Road to Realization Join us together On a drive Lets meet, merge to just be.....