~ Connectivity ~
A talk show on contradictions, confusions and compulsions between the elderly and the next generation brought forth the wrath of the elderly and the lack of compassion of the young. Well anchored by one who knows the art of moving and sliding from side to side to bring the best of the both, gave room for contemplations.
Loneliness, the most predominant factor felt among many elders clearly indicates the lack of connectivity." A loner builds walls around but fails to build bridges"-- Walls built in body and mind are barriers, firstly to one's own self. Walls of my family, my friends, my needs...endless it is. Approachability and comfortability becomes an almost impossible task with such an individual, irrespective of age. Awareness in connectivity leads to bridges irrespective of age and creed. None can create the loneliness in any one. A discordant chord within snaps the beauty of alone and confines it in loneliness.
Sympathy and a subtle dominance of, "I" either directly or indirectly shuns the possibility of experiencing the one connectivity in many. When, "I want to do it" gets transformed to, "lets do it ", the walls dissolve to let the flow happen on the bridge of awareness. Retaining the individual flavour and yet remaining in the one essence of many is the fragrance of one consciousness.
Confined to a limited form of age is like a bird in a cage. When one learns to connect with one's own Self, then, it is like a free bird beyond the confinements. Availability to the one conscious connectivity, lets one to adapt and dance to the tunes of awareness. Presence or absence of any form can no longer be a hurdle. You learn to remain a part of the whole and not be confined to loneliness.
Ain't it essential to learn to connect to one's own Self than to function in the attached limited forms of confinement? Expansion is the beauty of bridges...
Walls or bridges to one's own Self is indeed a vital one to ponder....
But when I feel sorry for myself, I wonder why so-and-so didn't talk to me. And I feel isolated.
However, I think the elderly have true loneliness when younger people ignore them or condescend.
Thanks for provoking the thoughts.
Presence or absence of any form can no longer be a hurdle. You learn to remain a part of the whole and not be confined to loneliness. Always wise words oh Sage.
Dear JD, remnants of non acceptance is probably haunting you. When you start to question with a "why?", it is followed by the reasoning and judgement. But, whereas with creation, it is as it is..There is no reasoning , no judgement.
From little known and unknown unlimitedness,what i feel probably is, when the interaction of the form springs from the connectedness of the formless, then these factors of binding, haunting etc dissolve and acceptance to see it as it is..., is likely to happen.
Thankyou for your visit and comments.
Thankyou Fruitu!
A deep contemplative post, thanks!
Thankyou Miruh!