~Concert at Cooking~

Music in words or just instrumental can take anyone to the height of serenity and oneness. we often hear and have felt the power of getting drowned in music. Even a simple conversation between two in tune can leave the same effect.

Cooking, primarily viewed as a woman's job to fill the tummy of the grumbling one or a day to day activity to supply the need for the body. Just a routine process indeed can be monotonous and boring. But, if one is ready to open the avenues of the mind and walk into the concert hall, The Kitchen...my, my! endless is the discovery to both the body and mind.

Preparing a dish is like nursing a baby. So gentle and fully alert and aware to every single move of the sound and silence. Right from the word go, in choosing the dish, the ingredients and the correct vessel-- there is a continuous unknowm flow of thoughts that blend so well. Watching the flame light up, placing the vessel and listening to its subtle sounds, then tuning with all the spluttering and mixing sounds, you even have the choice of hands on experience to choose the instrument that you would love to play. probably, if you can spice up the show for your own with some spontneous words from the heart, what more can we ask for than leaving the kitchen with a sense of fulfillment. The aroma is the gentle silent embrace in appreciation of your wonderful concert. All that one has to is just be!

Creation has bestowed endless innumerable life incidents to "just be" and alive to the benediction of awareness. Everything exists in existence from the time unknown but it is the blessed moment of awareness that brings in the mergingpoint and remain ever garteful to the one who bestowed.

Wishing you a wonderful concert at cooking!


Mark said…
Creation comes in many forms, cooking can be a beautiful creative experience.
Merging Point said…
Yes Mark, cooking is indeed an art. so much creativity blossoms endlessly..
Anonymous said…
Its like alchemy, where we are carefully and respectfully mixing together ingredients to find gold...a shiny product of creation that comes from one's heart.
Merging Point said…
yes, the flow thro' the heart is vital...

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