~ D eat H ~

One of the most dreaded word to even pronounce is the general feel with many in large. Death is described as some loss which can never be replaced and not as a parting. Of course, this beautiful word , death has always fascinated me and keep wondering about that most celebrated moment.The game is never complete without the beginning and end with utmost fun, as much as while playing it sportingly.

When we decide to move to a new place for a livelihood from our home town, imagine someone, a friend, relative or even a stranger comes forward to offer a place exclusively for us and tells us," It is all yours as long as you wish to be here". We are indeed delighted to accept that offer and with gratitude move into that place and start living there. Over the years , we also start to treat that as our own home and keep continuing to live with all the fun, joy, sorrow, sickness,success etc.

When the time arrives for us to leave to back home, what happens?? The clock starts ticking...The one who has been clear in his mind all throughout lived totally in that place as his home and leaves totally with abundant gratitude. Probably, he is sure to throw a party to the owner and all those who had contributed to that complete living . It is a moment to celebrate with gratitude and look forward to returning back home with jubilation. But, unfortunately, if someone who had developed strong attachment to that place and people and started to wrongly consider them as his own, inevitably has to face the wrath of possessiveness and separation miserably. Then, it becomes a separation with a pang of pain. It can no longer be a time to party the parting.

This body is a place offered to us by the creator and it our duty to maintain and make use of it for the best of living and be ready to part with abundant gratitude. Awareness indeed is the greatest tool for the process to happen.

Death-ain't it a moment for celebration as much as it is for birth?


myonlyphoto said…
Oh Merging Point I needed this post. You make very interesting points - 'This body is a place offered to us by the creator and it our duty to maintain and make use of it for the best of living and be ready to part with abundant gratitude. Awareness indeed is the greatest tool for the process to happen.'
Thanks. Anna :)
Mark said…
YES, death is a time of celebration. Your analogy is right on, this is a wonderful way to help people understand this leg of their journey! I will remember this always and I am sure to use it as I try to help others understand death. Thank-you so very much for your wisdom.
Anonymous said…
Possession and ownership proccupy human beings who become too wrapped up in the physical world. As a person evolves to gain new insight into impermanence, then objects and even the physical body are viewed as only temporary and treated differently. Experiences then become a more meaningful focus.
Merging Point said…
Thankyou Mark! very simple understanding indeed but the receiver has to be ready to receive else, they may call us "MAD".
Merging Point said…
Yes Liara, it is all about permanence.
Anonymous said…
infact- every moment offers you death and life!

Breathing in is life! and breathing out is death and in between breathing in in and out, there is a pause - which is silence

Between life and death there is nothing but silence.

To me, only the moment you die to this moment then life comes in!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Yes, Merging Point, we need to look at death as a natural progression, and not hang on to life too hard. We make the idea of death much too morbid, at least in our culture here in the USA.

Having had breast cancer five years ago, I am always trying to find a comfortable attitude and perception of the "ultimate event" and final rest (if indeed it IS final...).

Thank you for the WONDERFUL compliment on my last post. You have such poetry in your soul...
I'm glad we've met through our blogging! Great big hugs to you, who are an inclusive and embracing soul...

Merging Point said…
You said it, Suresh! yes, every moment consists of this cycle of breathing in, breathing out and inbetween existing of silence... the one who gets this Truth knows the beauty too...
It is not the death of the body essentially, it is just the dropping of the body.

thanks for your valuable and insightful comment.
Merging Point said…
Dear Lynda, having been thro the cancer episode yourself, am sure you'll have lot more to share with us about the value of this body and mind. Same time, if i may suggest, give it a total try on this moment and may be you may not have to wait for the "Final event".

your creativity is simply exceptional and it just acts as a trigger for the words to flow...
Insightful post!! I wished to share something

Death is a time to say thank you to Existence. Once while participating in the rituals, in a moment of awareness I really listened to the Mantras being recited. To my surprise, each was a prayer of gratitude, a way of saying thank you to Existence for 'giving' this body. A thanksgiving to each of five elements the earth, the water, the fire and air(breath) and space. The ritual of cremation and subsequent dissolving the ashes in the Ocean too is meant as an act of gratitude returning to Existence what IS
Merging Point said…
That's indeed a wonderful sharing. i suppose very few truly listen to the mantras even if they know the language. Thankyou so much for sharing your experience.

With all the ingredients and the fire available, still one can not prepare the dish. We need the "VESSEL". But, rarely, we appreciate its use.

Thankyou Kitchenette Soul!!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Thank you, Merging Point. That's why I do so much art--because it is totally absorbing and takes me beyond my own problems and the pains and sorrows of the world.

Thank you for sharing your insight and eloquence, Merging Point!

Rachel C Miller said…
Death in many cultures does come with a sort of celebration, I think it greatly depends on your faith.
Merging Point said…
Yes, in India too outwardly it is decorated with flowers and a group dances before the funeral march etc. But, in Truth, how many of us have really understood that spirit of celebration remains questionable. also, faith is one thing and acceptance is yet another only because of the form attachment.
Thanks for sharing your views Rachel.
Anonymous said…
Merging point, human beings can move beyond desires for permanence in ways it does not exist. Working through illusions is life-transforming...

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