~ Complete ~

Even though, most often complete and perfect are used as one and the same, a closer look clearly brings out the subtle difference. A complete personality need not be a perfect one. But a perfect one is indeed a part of the complete personality.

Complete consists of both the perfect and the imperfect, both the good and the bad, up and down. The journey to have a darshan of the God, up on a hill consists of both the climbing up and the climbing down phase too. only then it becomes complete. Of course, the most memorable moment at the time of darshan is indeed valuable. But, before and after also play and contribute a vital role in that completeness.

Life, indeed is also complete. Some known and unknown, some pleasant and unpleasant, some to understand and rest to accept -- all become a part of this complete journey. When any one part of this is ignored, then it becomes depleted. Depletion can only have depleted results.

Probably, i may wish to address creation as complete than perfect. Nature is an everlasting example to portray the beauty of this perfect and imperfect combination resulting in completeness. Human body, yet another live example. The hands are the classic example of this combination resulting in complete functioning.

Whenever, some one says, its perfect, it goes without saying that there is an element of unknown imperfect hidden too and that's what has contributed to what probably can be told as "complete". This reminds me of the combination of the form and the formlessness that reveal the complete "oneness'. Complete, probably can be understood as something that has the both as a part and yet remains in the realm of "beyond". Both and beyond, complete!

Let us connect to the completeness and accept both perfect and imperfect as a vital part of this completeness.


Anonymous said…
Every human being is complete. The thing is, many of these energy beings are experiencing profound and diverse levels of selective amnesia...
Merging Point said…
It is all about from amnesia to awareness...
thank you Liara!
Mark said…
I agree with your thoughts that completeness is the combination of perfection and imperfection. We are imperfect and it is our imperfection which makes us complete.
Merging Point said…
Mark, if i may say, we also have imperfect and that completes the circle.
Anonymous said…
merging point, some individuals move from amnesia to some levels of awareness and back to selective amnesia by choice. Every choice is grounded in free will. People will only ever act based on what they are mentally ready to accept. Fear sometimes motivates backward steps.The spirit grows in manifold directions.
Merging Point said…
Very true, Liara! fear indeed is a devastating block, not just for the individual but also for the rest.

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