~ Be Alive ~


Human race, probably, has been the only creation that created occasions to celebrate. Probably, the so called development of the mind somewhere lost the innate nature, celebration.

Watch the flock of birds flying and it resonates the feel of celebration even though they are just flying to some other destination. They don't need an occasion to celebrate . They are simply living in their original nature and that is celebration.

It is okay, we have created occasions to catch up with the essence. But then, are we truly living in celebration? have we made use of the occasion to revive the essence of celebration and allow it to remain as an integral part of our nature? If so, then , where is the need to long for yet another occasion?

Pondering on these thoughts, the beauty of celebration and being alive to every moment gets enhanced. Even during an occasion, many people get lost to the past and keep recounting and comparing with the previous incidents. It can truly take away this moment of the glory. Remembering the celebration with the lost ones or some incident is okay but the trouble begins when one gets trapped in trying to relive with the lost one or that incident. Present moment of celebration is also lost and the end result is misery.

When we mark a time and date to an occasion, surely there will be a time to end it too. Occasions can have them but not celebration. It is an endless season... has no beginning and no end.

let us revive the essence of this wonder of celebration in this season and let it be alive forever.....


myonlyphoto said…
Merging Point welcome back!
Happy Holidays too.

You wrote: 'They don't need an occasion to celebrate . They are simply living in their original nature and that is celebration.' - this is so true.

MP as I matured, things definitely changed, and now with Matthew on board, every day or I can say every second is a celebration for me.

Excellent post.

Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Thankyou Anna! ya, indeed, birth of a little one can revive the essence of celebration and may it extend forever...
Lynda Lehmann said…
Merging Point, I haven't seen you in awhile, and I'm thrilled to have had your visit, today!

Your post makes a very important point. IF we have lost the joy of living by giving it over to material pursuits, or re-living our disappointments, or by loss of trust in life, then the idea of "celebration" means little.

And of course, we need not only to find our inner joy of living, but the activities and attitudes that foster that joy. Or else our celebrations will be empty experiences of just going through the motions!

Thanks for the interesting post!

Hope all is well with you, and you are enjoying and finding joy in your life.
Merging Point said…
yea, for quite a while...different working style that needed moretime...backagain here ...
infact shall be visiting to catch up with the old posts...great depictions!!
Thanks for visiting. yes, life goes on with ITS presence....
Merging Point, what a post!!! How true it is that we should celebrate every day, every breath of life.

I have noticed the birds are cheery even in bad weather. :D

Happy New Year, dearest friend!!!

Hugs, JJ
Mark said…
It truly is an endless season! Love your thoughts on this! Thank-you. May you always have love, peace and wellness.
Merging Point said…
Thankyou JJ! it seems to know them both, good and bad!!
This kind of celebration is indeed a very silent and vbrant one.
Merging Point said…
Thankyou Mark for your wonderful wishes. May you be blessed in fullfilment...
myonlyphoto said…
Happy new year my friend!
Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Thankyou and wish you newness in everything...
Anonymous said…
Every moment is a milestone. As people realize and cherish where they are, they rediscover miracles unfolding in every instant. Life is not about waiting for what may happen. It is about reminding yourself what already is. Many people had forgotten. It is never too late to teach yourself remember what counts.
Merging Point said…
True Liara! Thanks for your visit and comments.

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