~ conflict ~

What is conflict? where does it arise from? when does it strike?

A closer look at these queries reveals that there is a gap between the thought and the action. here thought, may be an idea that goes well in tune with one's self and an action that needs to be performed much against the idea. So, it means a gap between the idea and the reality or the truth.

When the idea becomes the action, there is no conflict. This can be seen even in small instances. Some even call this as harmony in work, harmony in action etc. But the same idea can become a monster or just a hurdle and bring about conflict accordingly if the action to be performed differs.
simple instances like someone who is so used to an independent living might find it really difficult when it comes to sharing his room or his personal things. It is just a thought that can turn into a boulder in letting the adaptability to happen.

Dealing with outward conflict with situations and people primarily depends on how well one is in tune with one's own self. Conflict with one's own self is a disaster. Not necessarily, everything has to be according to one's idea but how one deals with the action reveals the levels of harmony with one's own self. In conflict, the action that needs to be performed or failed to perform results in heavy residue of depressing and damaging actions.

When the art of dealing with the gap, between the the idea and the action is learnt, then there is no conflict. It is just understood as that is the way and then life goes on in tune with every moment.


Mark said…
Very true, this is why so many people avoid conflict because there is a gap within that has not been closed. Wise words.
Merging Point said…
Thankyou Mark!
very well said -- avoiding conflict.
myonlyphoto said…
Very interesting post, idea, action, and then reaction...
Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Thankyou anna! may be not reacting but responding. ya, it can just take an inward turn to that "living every moment"
Anonymous said…
Conflict is a state of mind. It is a vision or illusion a person creates to learn. As it happens, I wrote a post on this topic which may interest you and your readers;
Merging Point said…
Yes Liara. Mind not in tune with the consciousness results in conflict. will check the posts too. thanks for commenting
myonlyphoto said…
Merging Point, just dropping by to wish you happy holidays, happy new year, happy blogging, and most of all lots of happiness in everything! Anna :)
Merging Point said…
thankyou Anna! wishing you fulfillment in all that happens...

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