
Beware of the interpreting mind
Be aware of the integrated Self!

Eyes wide open we drive down the same road many times in our day to day life. Watching the tree filled with flowers is a treat to the eyes. The flowers act as a magnet to our vision and the mind terms as wonderful sight. Few days later, passing by the same way and noticing the tree with less flowers or no flowers, the mind usually tends to compare it with the experience of the previous full bloom. The general comment may be, "how wonderful it used to look earlier".

Have you ever been with the fall of a flower from a tree? Mostly, we are only caught up with the interpreting mind and ending up with concluding comments. When awareness happens, there is a shift in perception from seeing to being with it. The senses witness the expression but the Self remains in the essence of the expression. Tree in full bloom, tree with less or no flowers -- all have their intense moments of stillness.

Changes that happen so naturally in nature lets us know the Truth. In all its expressions of impermanence, underneath lies the basement of serene permanence.The comments of the interpreting mind is like the ignorance of a kid in the presence of an integrated self. Nature is ever so present live and light. To be in tune with nature, choose the platform that connects to your own self.


fruitu said…
Beautiful merging point
Beautiful, Merging Point. Your imagery left me breathless and I have never known myself better than when I started paying attention to nature. I just watched a butterfly hang on to a flower for dear life while the wind swayed them both...she never gave up her task of gathering nectar. :D

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
Wonderful JJ!

mmm...so is it with the taste of the nectar of bliss!
wind as disturbance can indeed help you to endear to the nectar.
Anonymous said…
Hi MP,

Long time no speak... love what you've done with your site... as always it is a joy, uplifting and always full of wisdom...


Mark said…
Excellent advice. To be is to allow. Everything begins with awareness.
Anonymous said…
The mind seems to feel that it has a duty to find fault with things. It can see a beautiful sunset yet focus on the idea that it is not as beautiful as the last one it saw. But this is only because as we grew up, we got the idea that we had to train our mind to act in this way. We need to realize that this kind of commentary doesn't *really* help us to understand what we see. It only gets in the way.

As you so astutely point out, there is a difference between seeing something and *being* with what we see. The need to commentate maintains our distance and inhibits this glorious communion.
Merging Point said…
Hi Ruth,
joy to see you here again too. Glad you like the new look. Thank you for your wonderful comments.
Merging Point said…
true Mark! only in awareness, even a disturbed mind is known and integrated.
Merging Point said…
rightly pointed it out Simon --Habituation.
Thankyou for your wonderful expansion.
myonlyphoto said…
'To be in tune with nature, choose the platform that connects to your own self.' - I like that. Anna :)

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