~ The Way ~

Facing the phases
Meeting the distance
Life goes on..
Signs ahead
Paving the way
To the unknown
Cruising or crippled
Continued in aeon's
To the everlasting


Beautiful header post full of meaning and super post. WOW!!! You ROCK, Merging Point!!!

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
Thank you JJ!
yes, a contemplative header and full credit and compliments to the designer.
fruitu said…
Good one Merging Point.
Anonymous said…
hello merging point…

are we not in the everlasting communion already?

lovely words - Robin
Merging Point said…
Yes Robin. Just that we may not realize that always.
That which enables to turn the outside to inside and then it expresses.
nice to see...after a long time...lovely layout and poem
Merging Point said…
Thank you Swahilya!
Merging Point,

>>>Continued in aeon's
To the everlasting

That is beautiful and transcending. What lovely prose you write. I can't get enough of it. There are so many aspects to your verse that one doesn't comprehend it all at once. It comes in waves. :D

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
Truly appreciate your contemplativeness JJ!
Lynda Lehmann said…
Beautiful, merging point! Your words work well and give me a feeling of peace.

And I like your new header very much, as well! It has so much atmosphere and mystery, just like a moonlit night!
Zareba said…
My first visit to your blog will not be the last. I have enjoyed my time here. Glad you found me.

Merging Point said…
Glad to share the feel of peace Lynda!
Yes, rightly mentioned about the new header. Thanks for your wonderful comments.
Merging Point said…
Welcome to the blog Zareba!
Glad you enjoyed your visit here.
thanks for your comments.
I just read "The Way" once more and still adore it!!!

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
mmm... presently, me too joining you on the reading phase...
Love to you, JJ!

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