~ Ailing Body, Healthy Mind ~

Sickness, hospital, confined to the bed -- who would ever wish to be there either as a patient or as an attendant. But, life is not of choices of our own. One may plan everything in detail for the next day and go to bed. Wake up only to face the reality.

Few are indeed unfortunately fortunate to observe the functioning of this great equipment called body and mind in such situations. I dont wish anyone for such a experience but at the same time when it happens, instead of getting caught with the sickness and the gloom of the whole region, you may choose to make use of it to observe yourself and the others too.

Firstly, when we are clear with the understanding of body, mind and soul, the connectivity with our ownself does not succumb to the sicknesss of the body. No doubt, we watch the body failing in its functioning. The connectivity turns the duty as compassion. We watch and attend to our own body with so much compassion and the same happens when we are a attendant for others too. Compassion is at its peak when the mind is clear and detached.

There is no emotional binding but a lot more responding to the situation. Words get limited and expressions of love flows abundantly. Just sitting by the side of the patient and allowing oneself to just be can leave you with an experience beyond words.

A healthy mind is a great booster to an ailing body and attending to an ailing person too. The levels of awareness and alertness is at its best. Thats why, you may have come across family members opting for such a person to be there in such situations. Just the presence of such a person instills confidence in the patient too.

You can still watch the sunrise and be in its warmth, sitting in the hospital.(ofcourse depends on the part thats affected). You only have to be lucky to get a room facing the east to watch the sunrise. When the body is affected, there is an effect on the mind and vice versa too. But, to go beyond and apply all the learning of healthy mind, detachment etc, one has the possibility of remaining in the self and attendant to the surface.

Above all, the sense of gratefulness to The Creator is immense. What we tend to take it for granted, we understand its importance. Every cell of this body and mind enables us to be our ownselves in so many ways. Instead of waiting for an opportunity to realize the greatness of this body and mind for its functioning and also help us to know our real self, every moment shall abide in gratefulness to The creator.


fruitu said…
Awareness and being a witness to everything will always keep us connected with the creator/existence/self/supreme consciuosness.

Nice post merging point.
Merging Point said…
Yes Fruitu, its all interconnected.
Ray Gratzner said…
Dear mergingpoint, I hope you will recover soon and find back to renewed strength.
Merging Point said…
Dear Rainer, thank you for your wishes. I happened to be an attendant and witnessed the sickness in a person. Not just one of them but couple of them in the past 6 months. It had been a useful learning experience for me and thought of sharing them now. As of now, all are fine.
Mark said…
You have stated this very wisely. We are not our form and therefore when our form is ill and begins to fail, it is not reason to allow our spirit to diminish. True, we must learn to become the observer. Thanks for this well thought out writing.
Merging Point said…
Thanks for your wonderful comment, Mark. exactly, to get rooted in the formlessness and yet be functional on the form level too.
Lynda Lehmann said…
Merging Point, detachment is wonderful on the path to serenity and to mindful attention to what is on the surface of life, all the great issues including illness. Yet it's not so easy to accomplish. But we should all strive for it, and to have a wider view of our lives in the great scheme of things. We are each so small, yet important.

I'm glad you felt enriched by the experience of providing companionship to your friends or loved ones who were ill. I agree: just a willingness to sit in quiet companionship signals a profound acceptance and is healing and confidence-giving.
Fantastic post, Merging Point!!!

Awareness is the key to great mental health. It's interesting how our egos control us until we break free. I would love to hear more on the ego.

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
Thank you for sharing your views Lynda. Yes, tiny dots are we, lots and lots more to learn.
Merging Point said…
thank you JJ!

E-go, thats how mostly the word is understood. I would love to share my experience of enriching knowledge on this subject through the words of wisdom in "Moksha Junkyard". You may wish to visit.
Ofcourse, i shall post on my experiences too JJ!

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