~ The Way ~

You own a car, you are at the driver's seat, you are aware you are presently not at your home and you need to drive down to reach your own home. On the road, with the vehicle, well versed with controls, yet whats that which paves the way for the move? Your jurisdiction stops with your vehicle, you have no say on the traffic or the road to travel. Empty roads, you cruise through in perfect control. More traffic, you slow down to go in pace with the traffic. Road block by people voicing their opinions, agitation, you may probably have to stop the vehicle for a while, wait for the crowd to disperse and then proceed. Road block caused by major accident and traffic being diverted, you have no option but to just turn and go with the flow of the traffic. Its not the journey, the life, but the realization to know, presently, i am not at home and i need to reach my own home that puts you on the road. Once on the road, you need to be aware of your vehicle and be aware of the existing way on the road. This is choiceless awareness. Eventhough, it may appear as if its you who is choosing the way, on the subtler level, you would understand that with choiceless awareness you are on the way. Its Karma, the unknown which silently acts as the driving force, keeping the road free to cruise or move like a tortoise or just stop and wait. All the while its to remember and remind oneself that every bit of the journey is only to reach home. Build as many imaginary sweet homes as you wish with the best of creativity but know they all exist just outside you and you need to get back home, your real home, right within. Your way is taken care by the designer, its your stay on the way that makes the difference. Divine Grace, formless or in form as Master bestows the benediction to just be with every moment on the way.
Screach, snail or stop-- it all happens on the way.


fruitu said…
here and now is the truth, well explained merging point,
Beautiful. It's sad that some people talk on cell phones the whole time they are in the car and miss part of their journey. They never have time to listen to their own heartbeat.

Hugs, JJ
Merging Point said…
Yes, every experience is just to realize that only.Thanks Fruitu.
Merging Point said…
True JJ! many unknown opportunities are masked and missed by the mundane mind. Awareness is all that one has to keep developing.
myonlyphoto said…
I have to watch out sometimes when I drive, because the path is always the same back and forth - it would be ever nice to just drive off the road and take side adventure into the forest, lol. Kidding aside, driving is like path or the way in life, but there always may be the unexpected turn. This is very interesting point, btw, I wanted to mention - new colors on the blog, very nice, change is good. Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Oh i love that kidding too Anna! Mostly its that unexpected turn that shows the way within.
Thanks for the compliment on the blog colour, yea..change..mmm...
Anonymous said…
To learn to feel the stillness is a way to experience Divine Grace. We can each find our way back home.
Merging Point said…
The first taste of that stillness...mmm...grateful to The source

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