~ Fulfill ~

Full + Fill = Fulfill
Wonderfully coined expression! A combination of both finite and infinite, matter and spirit, gross and subtle.

Then, why such a term coined? What does it convey? Someone who had tasted that which is already full and still gets filled had named it so appropriately. What a moment it would have been for that being! yes, we too have had many such glimpses of fulfilling moments. Moments which cannot be contained but can only be experienced and gets expanded endlessly.

Moments - none of the gross description can reveal its vastness and fullness. It can be experienced with various forms--people, pets or just with nature or even more just with one's own self. When we learn to dwell in the depths of our being, we understand the precious word, fulfilling. Look into a new born babe, wow! what a fulfilling moment! Just an exchange of smile is the sign of communication for the being, silence pervading all within.

Knowing its fullness in one's own being transports one to filling as fragrance. Fragrant flower, it is in its fulfilling moments. Is it possible to separate the fragrance from a flower? so is it, both full and fill. Full as a flower and fill as its fragrance.
Fulfilling --fragrant flower! Let our being be...


fruitu said…
Beautiful post merging point. being natural or just be yourself,
Each word, letter of every language contains the essence of consciousness. That's why words are used as mantras - tools for generating sound energy.
Merging Point said…
yes Swahilya!expressions from the silence of the consciousness takes the formation as word.
Ray Gratzner said…
Dear mergingpoint, this post is full of flow.
Thank you for this post.
Merging Point said…
Glad to note it flowed to reach you too...Thank you Rainer!
Fulfill. I love your concept. Again it teaches me to embrace the whole. :D

Thought provoking!!!

Hugs, JJ
"Just an exchange of smile is the sign of communication for the being, silence pervading all within."

Communication to Communion which happens in Silence

Thought provoking post!! Its FULFILLING to see this blog shaping up this way! Keep up the good work Merging Point!!
Merging Point said…
True JJ! Its we who divide and then onceagain learn to be whole.
Merging Point said…
communication -- expression
communion -- essence, yes Kitchennete Soul it happens in silence.
Your comments are much appreciated and am glad to hear it as fulfilling
myonlyphoto said…
Merging Point very interesting. You said: 'Look into a new born babe, wow! what a fulfilling moment! Just an exchange of smile is the sign of communication for the being, silence pervading all within.' - this one made me smile. Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Wow! may be you touched that fulfilling moment. and now i can feel your smile too.

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