~ Who am I ~
A friend gave us an option to choose any one of the three --Potato, Egg, Tea. The query was, "whom do you want to be in this world?" Each one of us chose differently. The explanation given was astounding. This world is compared to the boiling water and the three objects represent, the you. When all these three objects are placed in a boiling water, the potato gets cooked and even breaks down. The egg gets cooked and remains hard withstanding the heat.(shell acts a s a protective shield) The tea, makes use of the boiling water, dissolves in it and gets transformed as a drink. World remains the same for everyone but it depends on purely as what we want to be. This is the major difference as how one learns to view the world with all its presentations, make use of it and be someone. Even with the best of situations, you may find the sulking and sad one. Surprisingly, even with the best of worst situations, you may still find the contended and complete one. Wherever we are right now, as a potato, egg or tea, once learning to connect well within, who knows we may become the tea for the world!
thanks fruitu.