~ The Kitchen ~

The world appears like a kitchen to me. Thats where the nourishment for the body is prepared. Even before any formal learning to cook begins, one starts with atleast to make hot water. What amuses like simple preparation of hot water, can turn out to be a task for the beginner. Then on, from traditional recipes to sudden midway discoveries, many, many new dishes are learned. Whats prepared by mom(or whomsoever), is whats the menu for the day. It need not necessarily be prepared by following the traditional ways and stick only to customized recipes. Homely food is everyday's touch. With whats available in the kitchen, whats needed for the day, the lady goes about cool with cooking. Believe me, thats when many new dishes too are discovered. Adaptability to availability blossoms into creativity. So is this world. Recipes for the mind churned and discovered in this world. Traditional techniques are essential but one has to learn to adapt to availability of ingredients to suit the needs of the individual and let the Divine blossom as creativity. Ingredients need not be the same and be available as the same to everyone. Learn to cook with whats available to nourish the mind. We must not forget that always we prepare the palatable food. Sometimes, we do burn them up too. Thats part of learning and only ensure to pick up the nuances. Healthy body, healthy mind is all that we can take care. Rest is ....


Ray Gratzner said…
this is a very integrating post. You honour the many ways to reach knowledge and you show tolerance. Great
Merging Point said…
Thank you Rainer. When we keep our mind free, i suppose even day to day activity reveals the knowledge, application bestows acceptance.
myonlyphoto said…
Merging Point, I read recopies to get ideas, I followed one, but my expectations of the final taste were totally different. I love kitchen, and I love cooking, that is how I get me creative juices going and also my project management skill, lol, as I like to always plan in my head, so on the end I have no dishes to wash, lol. Thanks for sharing, this is really good post, and to conclude I really like this statement of yours: Adaptability to availability blossoms into creativity. Anna :)
Merging Point said…
thanks anna! yea, many times i have seen it happening with some exotic dishes from whats available.

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