~ Accident ~

A pedestrian on road gets knocked off by a car driven by a disturbed mind. His limbs become the gifts for that accident. Now, what next? atleast, he was fortunate to go for the artificial limbs that to a certain extent compensate for the original ones. Being a lover of nature, had explored extensively treading and trekking different terrains. Now, how is he going to cope up with his adventurous spirit. This is when the difference in perception speaks. Caught in concepts of blaming and cursing, one can never move ahead. Instead, it can become a great booster for a turn within. From certain expressions of nature, he moves ahead to focus on the very essence of nature. he may not be able to climb "The Himalayas", but he can experience the essence if only he accepts and adapts to the "Now". The palm tree has not stopped its dancing, the birds have not stopped their singing, the stars have not stopped shining.... all belong to the same nature! just learning to wear the limbs just like the dress is the solution. Everyday its a process of learning but never we should stop learning until totally mastering the art. A new accessory to experience the essence! Infact, you learn to appreciate the support it renders and you remain grateful. Fresh new look to look within too. Caution -- never get trapped with the once upon original legs.
Drop the old from the mind, refresh with the new.

Accident -- may cause a dent at the most, but never let it tent.


Anonymous said…
Excellent post. So true yet so difficult to accept when the accident hasn't happened. :-)
Merging Point said…
Welcome to the blog JD!
yea, we just have to relate it when we notice a block. tough indeed!
myonlyphoto said…
One have to always know that history cannot be changed, and for better or worst we always need to go on with our life, we may be crippled but life does not stops moving forward, and we must always move forward with our surrounding no matter what - otherwise we may end up in places we really don't want to be - buried in depression. Merging Point another great post, something to reflect on. Thank you for sharing, and life is beautiful. Anna :)
Merging Point said…
Thank you for reflecting on it anna!

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