~ SurrendeR ~

"Bow down to existence, Stand tall everywhere"

"The surrender of the palm tree is the attunement of its root to the earth"

Living Master Akshara

The palm tree looks so graceful especially when it dances to the soft melodies of the gentle breeze. The bending of the leaves is like bowing down to the earth in gratefulness for the nourishment it derives from the earth through the roots.


myonlyphoto said…
Merging Point, very nice description of the palm, never really thought that way, and thank you for an eye opener. Love the quotes. BTW thank you for your visit to my blog, and wow, inspiring lines, Anna :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by... appreciate the comment... also really glad to know you tune into my poetry...



P.S. I write a poem called 'Surrender', it is in "The Whisper of Madness"
Merging Point said…
Thankyou anna! Hope to have much more lovable quotes.
Merging Point said…
Yeah Ruth...tuning to the one via your wonderful medium of poetry. shall check out on "Surrender' too.
Lynda Lehmann said…
Lovely post and meaning!

I often think we could have heaven on earth, if we only embraced what's around us....
Merging Point said…
thank you Lynda! true, embracing the essence in existence..

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