
Showing posts from May, 2008

~ Fence ~

A sapling planted on the road side is fenced initially, mainly to get it protected. Selection of the fence, space between the fence and the sapling, provision for watering the plant etc lies in the hands of the gardener. A good gardener knows the importance of each stage, facilitates the sapling to have its natural growth and at the right time removes the fence too. When a parent was expressing his concern about bringing up adolescents, i was reminded of the gardener and the sapling relationship. many parents in the name of providing the fence out of love invariably try to impose all that's possible on the sapling and eventually literally suffocate the growth. A little deeper look reveals the insecurity, fear and failure of the parent to express as closed fencing. Acceptance of the plant as it is(not imposing all that was not possible for him) and confidence in one's own self lets the beautiful birth of the individual. The importance of one's own clarity is so vital for th...

~ The Way ~

Facing the phases Meeting the distance Life goes on.. Signs ahead Paving the way To the unknown Cruising or crippled Continued in aeon's To the everlasting Communion.
Watch / Witness When we relate ourselves as strangers to an incident, we get to understand the terms, watch and witness better. When we walk down the road, let us say we comeacross an accident taking place. As a stranger, we watch it happening. We are no way involved in the incident except as a spectator. But when the police arrive to the scene and enquire only some from the watching spectator come forward to be a witness to the incident. Its now being a part of the incident and yet not directly involved. Aware as a part of it and yet detached. In life too, we get to play this role of watching and witnessing from moment to moment. Sometimes, its only watching which is needed and yet other times, its witnessing that happens with the activities of the world outside us. When it comes to the world within, witnessing enables us to have better clarity and awareness. We become a part of the whole and yet learn to remain detached.

~ Channel ~

Shuttling in space With-In and out The wind whispers Your presence Burning bright Illumined as fire Rising up and down As the waves of water Spreading your roots Into the soil of the soul Letting the wings open wide To the channel of eternity.