Joy Of Discovery !

Looking at one of my display pictures, a friend of mine asked if it was that fragrant jasmine flower. I told him, "Yes, its one of those intense fragrant variety". He replied asking if it is the one which is a double decker kind, has two levels and it can be separated ? It was news to me though its been there for a longtime and i am familiar with this flower from childhood, i didnt know about it. I immediately brought one flower from the pot and was surprised to see i could separate them. The exploration didnt stop there and noticed that one more level could be separated and yes, finally there were three levels of individual flowers. It appeared as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Each separated one was complete by itself as a flower and yet, all three so beautifully connected in one and created as one fragrant jasmine flower. Amazing are the creations of the creator ! Now, the beauty is the ignorance and the pointer that reveals the creations game. Simply believing i...