
Showing posts from August, 2012

~ The Inner Power Chord ~

In India, its very common to experience the power failure, regular scheduled power cuts etc. Now, to call it a curse or name it a blessing or simply go with it is purely one's own state of mind. What it would be if everything is planned and executed as scheduled without any interruptions? absolutely heavenly? may be so, it may sound and appear too. But over a period, if we look closely, the extent of non functioning of the mind in the areas of creativity, adaptability and attunement will be revealed. Next the alarming bell will ring loudly if any slight disruption happens in the planning. Watching this episode of power cuts and its effects on human beings, it is very interesting to study the different aspects of  the ever mysterious mind. In some cities, they have scheduled power cuts and so people are used to fit in their power requirements and functioning accordingly. So here too certain planning goes on to fit in with known changes. But, the beauty begin...